Sunday, April 26, 2009

Improve Your Dog's Health with Proper Grooming

You probably know the typical benefits of grooming your dog, such as removing knots and tangles in the coat. However, grooming also allows air to flow through the fur more easily, which helps the dog to cool itself during hot weather. Brushing also gives your dog's coat a nice healthy shine. However, there are many lesser known benefits to a regular grooming regime for your pet that I thought you might like to know.

It may come as a surprise to you to learn that the simple act of grooming can do much more for your pet than just improving the look of her coat. By making grooming a regular activity with your dog you'll be pleasantly surprised by the numerous health benefits that can be achieved.

Some of the many health benefits of grooming include:

1) Removing dead hair which improves the overall look of the coat as only new healthy hair is left behind. This will help prevent the dog from getting hot spots from the dead hair matted next to her skin.

2) Improving the blood flow to the follicles of each hair will improve the health of the entire coat. The lymphatic system is also stimulated by grooming, giving the same health benefits to your dog that you would get from having a massage.

3) Improving the emotional state of your pet, because of the bonding achieved whilst grooming. A gentle hand and kind voice while grooming goes a long way to building a bond with your dog and helps build trust between the two of you.

4) Having the opportunity to notice any potential health problems by becoming familiar with your dog's body. Tender areas for instance could indicate an injury of some sort which may require further investigation. It is also important to look for health dangers such as ticks which if left undetected can be deadly to your pet. It will also allow you to detect if your dog has fleas which can potentially cause all sorts of problems for you and your dog.

5) Paying attention to your dog's paws while grooming by clipping long nails and checking the pads of the feet for any sore areas that may need attention. (See previous postings on the topic of fleas).

You can find all the tools you need for effective grooming at local pet supply stores. Or, if you prefer, you can find a number of Internet locations that carry pet supplies. Just do a Google search on pet supplies or pet grooming supplies and you will have numerous sites to check out.

If you make a habit of visiting your local pet store, once you become known by the staff, you will learn all kinds of interesting things and you can frequently work out a discount for being a frequent buyer.

Most areas of the country have classes at community colleges where you can learn the correct methods of grooming your pet. Also check out dog clubs and groups where you will find other dog owners to give you some tips and advice on where to start.

If you find that you enjoy grooming and become proficient enough you may wish to start a dog grooming service in your local area. Dog grooming is in BIG demand and can be a profitable part-time/full-time business.

By putting in a little time and effort along with a few dollars for some basic grooming tools you will be greatly rewarded with a healthier, happier dog. Even if you're just starting to learn about correct grooming techniques your dog will still benefit greatly from the little time and effort involved in grooming.

Until next time,


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