Lizards are cold-blooded reptiles belonging to the Squamata order. They have four legs, visible ear openings and manoeuvrable eyelids. Their size can vary from a few centimetres to as long as three meters. The price of a lizard can vary from type to type, with small relatively common lizards selling for under $50 and large more exotic ones selling for thousands of dollars. If you want to get the proper equipment and housing for your pet lizard, it can become quite expensive. The cost can be cut down a bit by doing some research on the Internet before heading to the local pet store.
Before thinking about buying a lizard, the most important factor to be considered is the full-grown size of the lizard as some of the species, as indicated above, can grow up to ten feet long. Usually the larger lizards need extra care and lots of space. Persons who have never owned a lizard before should opt for ones which are easy to handle and relatively small in size. The favourite lizards which are purchased as pets are Leopard Geckos. They are small in size, require only basic maintenance and do not demand special conditions such as big terrariums with special UV lightning. Following closely are Bearded Dragons which average 18 to 24 inches in length. They are very easy to handle but they require a big terrarium with special UV lightning. Mom and Dad’s Bearded Dragon, “Gizmo,” pictured above, had a terrarium that was 40 inches long by 24 inches wide by 12 inches deep. It had oak framed removable screens on the top to allow air to circulate and the heat from the heat lamp to enter and it also had outdoor carpet on the floor because it was easy to clean. Some Bearded Dragon owners have sand in at least part of their terrariums, but keeping it clean is a little more work. “Gizmo’s” terrarium was made from an old plate glass store window, so it only cost a few hundred dollars. However, if you were to purchase a commercially made terrarium of that size it would be quite a large investment.
Another good option as pet lizards are Anoles. Like bearded dragons, they too are easily manageable, but need a big terrarium with special UV lightning. Following next are Blue-tongued Skinks, Green Anoles, Fat Tailed Geckos, Mocquard’s Madagascar Ground Gecko, Tokay Geckos and Day Geckos.
The bigger the lizard the more challenging it becomes to have them as pets. They need a bigger environment; there can be handling issues and many other factors. For example, Iguanas are very good pets, but they need lots of space along with lots of care. In addition, once an Iguana gets of breeding age, which is about three years, they get quite aggressive during breeding season and can deliver a very nasty bite. Full grown Iguanas are frequently six to seven feet in length. Other lizards that pose a challenge as pets are Chameleons, Savannah Monitors and Argentine Black and White Tegus.
Lighting and temperature are very important factors. Most lizards are very specific about the temperature they require. The temperature of their terrarium should be as closely matched to the temperature of their native habitat as possible. Although lizards are cold-blooded, they require warmth for healthy growth. In the wild, these reptiles move to areas where they find a desirable temperature. They will stay out in the sun or move into the shade depending on the conditions they require. For example after eating, “Gizmo” moved under his heat lamp to aid in his digestion. When he had finished digesting his food he would move into a cooler area of his terrarium. So a temperature gradient is a must so that the appropriate temperature can be provided for your pet. Most lizards are omnivorous. They eat fruits, leaves, insects and even small mammals. Some lizards will require you to buy “pinkies” which are freshly born live mice. Others will require a lot of crickets as part of their meal. Some require mealworms as part of their diet, but it is recommended that if mealworms are used that they have their heads removed before feeding them to your lizard. There have been unconfirmed reports of live mealworms chewing through the stomach wall of lizards, resulting in the death of the pet.
Potential owners must carefully observe the lizard before buying it. They should also do a lot of research so that they know the size, shape, personality, food, and environmental requirements of the lizard they plan to purchase. Usually most lizards become stressed from all the travelling and changing environments they endure coming from their place of birth to the place of sale.
There are signs that you should look for to determine if the lizard is healthy or not. Firstly, the body should be fleshy and not flaky. The skin should shine and should not have large wrinkles or scratches. They should look healthy and not bony. If the tail bones and hipbones are visible, they are probably sick as this is the area where lizards store their fat. Swelling on the abdomen or on any other part of the body should also be checked out. They should have bright attentive looking eyes, not dull ones. They should also move when the pet shop owner opens the cage where they are kept.
The eyes should be clean and should not have any discharge. If the reptile has any respiratory disease, its eyes will be swollen and there will be mucus formation around the nose. The overall sanitary conditions should also be checked. The more unclean the surroundings, the more likely the reptile will have a disease. Also, ask to handle the pet. This should be done to test the friendliness of the lizard and to ensure that its limbs are firm and undamaged.
Until next time,
PS. “Gizmo” lived to be eight years old and he loved to be cuddled. If he didn’t get at least two hours of cuddling each evening (while mom was watching TV) he would get sulky. He loved to lay on mom’s chest and tuck his nose against her throat under her chin. The last night he lived, he lay on her chest and just before passing away, he struggled up and placed his nose against her throat. Then he shuddered and died. It was a very sad and moving experience, but he just had to let her know, before dying, that he “loved” her.
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