Saturday, December 5, 2009

Tips for Bathing Your Cat

Cats normally do not need help getting and staying clean. They are fastidious about their cleanliness and spend much of their day primping and preening. Cats learn from a very young age to stay clean, as the mother always teaches her young the art of bathing. Cat owners rarely need to give their cats a bath, however, there are some situations where you may find it necessary to bathe kitty. You never know when your cat will get so dirty that she needs a little extra help. If your cat is afflicted with skin allergies or has a flea infestation, you might need to bathe your cat. Sick and older cats may have a difficult time keeping clean, too. You will find that your cat probably resists getting a bath, but you can do it if you are prepared.

Where to bathe your cat.

The best place to bathe your cat is in a small, enclosed room. If you have a sink in your laundry room, that would work perfectly. A deep bathroom sink would also do the trick. The idea is to get your cat in a small area to help him or her feel safer during the process. Another idea is to use a baby tub and place it inside your own bathtub. This might cause an aching back on your part, but may be just the thing for your cat.

Get Your Supplies

You want to make sure that you have everything you need on hand before you begin. It will be almost impossible to stop what you are doing with a struggling cat to run and get a towel or shampoo. You will need several old towels and cat shampoo and possibly cat hair conditioner. Human shampoo, even baby shampoo does not have the right ph value for your cat, so if you think there may be a chance that you could have to bathe your cat, buy cat shampoo and conditioner ahead of time. If you get caught unprepared and you do not have cat shampoo, baby shampoo can be used, but do NOT use it on a regular basis as you could cause your cat to develop skin problems. If you do not have a hand wand attached to your shower, or a removable one you can attach to the tap you are using to bathe your cat, you will need a cup to wet your cat’s hair before applying the shampoo and to rinse off the shampoo. As an alternative, you might even consider using a turkey-basting tool to rinse under the chin, around the neck and between the legs. In addition, if your cat’s fur is matted, you should consider removing these mats before beginning the bath. Trying to brush or comb mats out of a wet cat is very difficult to achieve.

Get the Bath Ready

When you have gotten all of your supplies where you need them and removed any mats from your cat’s fur, you will want to prepare the bath. Lukewarm water works best. Think of the temperature you would use to bathe an infant. That is what you need when you wash your cat. Put about four or five inches of water in the tub or sink. You do not need a lot of water when you bathe your cat--just enough to get the cat wet and do the first rinse. It is also a good idea to place a non-skid mat or folded bath towel in the bottom of the sink or tub before you begin filling it with water. This prevents the cat from slipping on the bottom of the sink or tub.

Ease your Cat into the Water

It is now time for the hard part. You have to get your cat and ease him or her into the water. This may sound easier than it is. Some cats may struggle with you more than others may. Only you know your cat’s personality. The best way to go about doing this is to lower your cat into the water by placing one hand under the cat’s belly and one hand firmly, but gently on the cat’s back. If your cat is still struggling, you might want to wrap a towel around it to prevent scratches. You may be surprised by your cat’s reaction. Some cats will sit there quietly and let you work. Others will be scared and will try to run from you. You will get wet, but you may try holding the cat’s body close to your own while bathing so he or she feels more secure. Never raise your voice or move too fast, as this can send your cat into a frenzy.

Begin the Bath

You can use vegetable oil if you need to remove sticky substances from your cat’s fur, but use it before giving the cat a bath, as the oil will leave a harmless residue on the cat’s fur. After your cat is situated in the water, you can begin to bathe. Work quickly, but gently. The best method for bathing your cat is to start with the head and work your way to its tail. Be careful not to get water or shampoo in your cat’s ears or eyes. If you are treating for fleas, then you will want to follow the directions on the flea shampoo at this point. Wet your cat’s fur before applying the shampoo. You will only need a very small amount of shampoo. If you get too much, you will have to rinse longer. Once your cat has been bathed and all of the shampoo has been rinsed off, check the skin to see if it shows any signs of flaking or dry skin. If dry skin is present, you should use a cat hair conditioner to alleviate this dry skin condition. If you use a conditioner, make sure that it is thoroughly rinsed off to prevent a rash or allergic reaction. The first step in drying your cat is to use a towel to get the majority of the water off. Then, if your cat is not scared of blow driers, you can use this to finish the drying process, after the excess water has been towelled off. Be careful not to set the blow drier too hot. If you do not use a blow drier, then use another dry towel to finish the drying process. When the cat feels dry to the touch, take a comb and carefully comb its hair to ensure all tangles are removed.

If you cannot give your cat a bath, check to see if any of your local groomers or veterinarians provide this service. Depending on where you live, this service could be quite expensive, so you should consider checking around before you need this service to see who provides the best deal. Ask the service provider to give you several references you can check to ascertain the quality of the service and the reaction of the reference’s cat to that service.

Until next time,


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