Saturday, June 6, 2009

Anal Sac Problems in Dogs

The Apricot Poodle in the picture with me is Koko, who passed away on December 19, 2007. He had anal sac problems most of his life. Dad learned how to express the anal sacs and he did it for Koko on a regular basis. When he did this, Koko's problems disappeared. It is quite smelly when expressing these glands, but not very difficult to do after you learn how to do it. Dad learned how from the family veterinarian.

It is a common misconception that a dog needs worming when he is seen to be biting his rear end, or scooting past on his bum the moment you have friends over for coffee. The probable cause for this discomfort (and embarrassment on your part) is that the dog needs his anal glands expressed.

Dogs have two pea-sized anal sacs situated on either side of the anus, approximately at the five and seven o'clock positions. These sacs contain a very strong smelling liquid, which is usually secreted when the dog has a bowel movement. The feces, when passing through the anus, pushes against the anal sacs squeezing a little liquid out. This liquid is thought to be a dog's “calling card”. This is why most dogs tend to say “hello” to each other by sniffing each other’s rear-ends. Sometimes, however, the bowel movement can be too soft to push against the sacs and a build-up of liquid occurs. The anal sacs can become over full and cause discomfort. Alternatively, the sacs can become blocked and impossible to empty. If these problems are ignored, they do not go away. Abscesses can form, infections can set in and self-inflicted wounds occur due to severe biting. Hair loss, coat discoloration and enormous discomfort and pain for the dog also occur.

Sometimes, all that is needed is a slight increase in dietary fiber to harden the stool. However, there are other factors that may contribute to the problem. The consistency of the liquid produced by the glands may make it difficult to pass, or the actual conformation of the anus, or even obesity can prevent the sacs from emptying properly. Therefore, sometimes a helping hand is required!

Many groomers empty the dog's anal glands as a matter of form during the bathing process. However, it is now believed that unless requested by the owners, who have learned from the veterinarian that it is necessary, it is best to leave the anal glands untouched, for once the dog gets into a routine of having them emptied periodically, they will always need manual emptying. It is important to note the color and texture of the secretion to report to the owner so that they may seek veterinary attention if they feel it is necessary. Anal sac fluid that looks like black paste, or that contains pus or blood, is not normal. Soreness when touched and an inability to empty with ease is a sign of blockage. This should be mentioned to the owner. Any lumps around the anus should also be mentioned to the owner.

Usually, expressing the sacs externally is enough to relieve the discomfort. This should not cause any pain to the dog and it takes seconds to do. Excessive squeezing and prodding must be avoided as damage to the glands could occur. The vet may empty the sacs internally while examining the dog. This is NOT for the groomer or owner to do.

If the problems persist, the veterinarian may advise removal of the glands, as a last resort. They do not like undertaking this operation as the muscles around the anus can weaken and sometimes become permanently damaged. After the operation the dog usually feels great discomfort for a considerable length of time.

Until next time,


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