Saturday, May 30, 2009

A Guide to House Training Your Puppy

This entry was prompted by a request from someone who met my dad in the grocery store while he was picking up some dog food for the dogs of a family mom was house sitting for. This lady had just picked up her first puppy and she didn't know how to house train him. Dad told her the information contained in this post and I thought that there were probably many more people who could use the information too. So, for all you first time puppy owners, here's a guide to house training him.

Dogs are probably the only animals in the world who love unconditionally, with their whole heart, body and soul. There are many stories of dogs saving the lives of their owners, of warning people of danger or of seeming to know when an owner is sick or in pain. Some dogs have been trained to diagnose cancer and detect oncoming heart attacks and epileptic seizures in humans.

If you've decided to get a puppy, or you've recently brought one home, congratulations! You will have a loyal friend and companion who will enjoy your company, never be too tired to go for a walk with you and who will always be on your side, no matter what!

One note of caution though. A dog is only as well-trained as he has been taught to be by his owner. It is important that your puppy understands as quickly as possible what is considered acceptable behavior in your home and what is not.

You need to decide early on if you will allow your puppy to get on your furniture. Also decide where she can sleep and what she can chew on.

So house training your dog now, while your dog is still a puppy, is the best way to ensure that she/he is a welcome and happy member of your household.

The crate method is one of the fastest and most humane methods of house training your puppy.

But, first, here are some do's and don'ts for house training your puppy:


Do be accessible to your puppy. If you are going to be gone for long periods of time during the training period, then do not give the puppy full access to your house. Put him in an area which you have prepared for accidents.

Do limit the amount of food your puppy has throughout the day. If it's hot outside, make sure your puppy has enough water to drink, because if she becomes dehydrated from lack of water, you could come home to a dead or very ill puppy. Also remember that what goes in, will come out so be prepared for puddles when you come home.

Do praise your puppy every time he or she does what you expect him/her to do. Your puppy wants to please you, and he/she needs to learn what behaviors create praise from you.

Do be consistent. You will only confuse your puppy otherwise.

Do be realistic. Your puppy may not be capable of being completely house trained until he is at least six months old. I had a lot of trouble learning where to go. I was born in the winter and trained to go outside on the snow. When the snow melted, I was confused and didn't know where I was supposed to go. So, I held it as long as I could then just went where ever I was when I couldn't hold it any longer. Eventually I learned that I could go on the grass or the gravel outside, but not before mom and dad got frustrated. As they learned to understand me, they finally came up with a solution that made us all happy.


Don't reprimand your puppy when he has an accident. It's going to happen and if it does, it means that you didn't get him outside in time. Just clean it up and move on.

Don't use the crate as a means of locking your puppy up for long periods of time, or as a punishment.

Don't let your puppy go to the bathroom anywhere except his/her designated area while you are training him/her.

Why the crate method works: Dogs are naturally fastidious animals and they don't like to eliminate where they sleep or eat. Therefore, if your puppy sleeps in the crate, she/he will not use the crate as a bathroom unless they have an accident because they couldn't go elsewhere.

First things first:

Puppies need to urinate shortly after they eat, drink, play, chew, run or walk. Depending on the breed, size, temperament and age of your puppy, this can be within 15 to 30 minutes.

1. Keep a record, for a couple of days, of the times your puppy needs to go. This will help you to learn his natural schedule and make the training process easier.

2. Plan your "walking" schedule around your puppy's needs. From the time your puppy is about ten or 11 weeks to six months old, he/she should be walked between five and ten times a day. Once your puppy is between six months and 11 months old, this will drop to around four to six times a day. And when he/she is an adult, walking your dog two to four times a day will be sufficient, depending on the breed and temperament of your dog. Remember to take along several clean pickup bags to pick up after you dog has a bowel movement. It is not courteous or sanitary to leave it behind for others to step in. Turn your pickup bag inside out, put your hand into it and reach down and grasp the stool. As you pick the bag up use your free hand to fold the bag down over the stool. Once the bag is right side out again, release the bottom where the stool is and tie the top tightly closed. In this way you can sanitarily carry the stool to a proper disposal container.

3. Especially after your puppy has spent the night in his/her crate, do not return from your morning walk until he/she has eliminated. (If for some reason you do have to return, put your puppy in his/her crate, and then take him/her out every fifteen minutes or so, until he/she goes.) Make sure you give your puppy lots of praise and affection, once he/she has done what you wanted.

What the crate means to your puppy.

A crate is your puppy's home away from home, his/her sanctuary in times of stress and his "bedroom" at night (if you have chosen not to let your dog sleep with you).

Make sure that your puppy associates his/her crate with positive feelings. Put his/her favorite blanket, chew toys and treats inside the crate. When helping your puppy get used to the crate, leave the door open until your puppy shows no sign of fear of the crate.

The more comfortable your puppy is inside the crate, the less likely he/she will be of soiling it. Never let your puppy out of the crate for bad behavior such as barking, whining or scratching.

How to Get Started:

1. Establish a regular schedule of feeding and going outdoors.

2. Put the puppy in the crate at night, but make sure you take him/her out first thing in the morning and don't go back into the house until the puppy has finished.

3. After the puppy has gone to the bathroom, bring him/her in, and let him play for an hour or so. (Remember not to give your puppy complete run of the house until he is completely house trained.)

4. Feed the puppy.

5. Using the chart you created, take the puppy outside within 15 minutes of the time you know he/she is going to need to go. Don't come back in until the puppy has gone.

6. Bring the puppy in and let him/her play.

7. Put the puppy in his/her crate for a nap.

Repeat this schedule throughout the day.

Yes, this is a lot of work. But the method is effective, it works quickly and your puppy will soon become house broken. As he/she gets older, your puppy will let you know when he/she needs to go to the bathroom. In the meantime, you'll be able to have complete confidence in your puppy.

Until next time,


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