Sunday, May 17, 2009

Learning How to Ride a Horse

Learning how to ride a horse can be a lot of fun. Whether you want to ride for the feeling of freedom you get on a horse or you are just a horse lover, it can be very rewarding. With some basic equipment and a good teacher, you can be on your way to having hours of fun.

There are many different styles of horse riding that one can choose to learn. The two main horse riding styles are Western and English. Western style is easier to learn and not as strict or as difficult to learn as the English style. If you are just riding for fun, look for an instructor that will teach the Western style. However, if you think you might be interested in riding for show, it will probably be better to learn the English style. (Western style is used in rodeo events, trail riding and herding livestock, while the English style is used in dressage and show jumping.)

When taking riding lessons, make sure you let your instructor know that you are a beginner. This way they will put you on a horse that is well trained. It is important that you get a horse that is easy to ride, for both your safety and your confidence.

When looking for an instructor, it is best to ask around and see whom people recommend. Do not just respond to an advertisement. Some instructors, (usually professionals) will have teaching certifications and first aid training. Other instructors will have just learned from someone else and will be willing to teach you what they know. No matter who you choose, make sure they have a personality that you get along with. Also make sure that they teach the style you want to learn.

Safely should be your number one concern when learning to ride. Always be sure to wear a helmet in case you fall off. Many people don't wear a helmet when riding a horse, but it should be required apparel because it is over six feet from your head to the ground and depending on where you are riding, there could be large stones present. Also, depending on what you are doing at the time you fall off, you could get accidently kicked in the head by the horse. My dad has never seen a fallen rider stepped on by a horse, but he has seen them clipped by a hoof when the horse tries to avoid the fallen rider. You should also wear long pants so that you do not chafe your legs on the saddle and stirrup straps. It is also advisable to wear riding boots as they fit into the stirrups much better and they also provide strength to your ankles.

The equipment you need for riding the horse is called tack. This includes everything from the saddle to the reins, bridle and stirrups. This can be expensive to buy on your own. Usually the instructor can provide the equipment. It is important that you check over the saddle, bridle and reins before each ride for signs of wear and for a proper fit.

Learning to ride a horse can be a life changing event. It will give you a sense of responsibility, as well as give you a tremendous sense of freedom. By finding a good instructor and a calm horse, you are well on your way.

Remember horses are very powerful animals so always be sure to wear your helmet and ride with friends. Accidents can happen when you least expect them. Dad was on an exercise ride with a group of Royal Canadian Mounted Police recruits. They were going along a trail in the woods near the Ottawa River. The recruit ahead of dad turned around to look at the horse he was leading and didn’t see the low hanging branch in front of the horse he was riding. As he turned to look forward, the branch knocked him off his horse headfirst onto a large rock beside the trail. His helmet saved him from a fractured skull. Two or three seconds of inattention while riding could have been fatal if he hadn’t been wearing that helmet.

Until next time,


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