Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Is a Guinea Pig the Right Pet for You?

Guinea Pigs, also called cavies, are lovable furry critters that will bring you a lot of joy. In addition, Guinea Pigs can be a perfect first pet for children because they are easy to care for and more cuddly than a hamster or fish. Following is information to help you determine whether a Guinea Pig is the right pet for you.

If you are thinking about getting a pet for your home, you may at first consider a dog or cat. These animals are perfect for homes if you have a lot of time to dedicate to owning a pet. Dogs and cats need a lot of attention and a lot of space. Guinea Pigs on the other hand are just as cute as dogs and cats, but they do not require near as much space or care. Many people love the idea of Guinea Pigs as first pets for children because they live a lot longer than hamsters or gerbils. In fact, a well cared for Guinea Pig can live up to eight or nine years. Once you own a Guinea Pig, you will be hooked by these cute, sweet natured animals.

When you go to the store to get a Guinea Pig, it is always a good idea to look at them carefully and choose them for their personality. Each Guinea Pig has his or her own personality. Some are more reserved in nature, while others are more outgoing. If you are choosing a Guinea Pig for your child, you want to make sure that your Guinea pig can tolerate being held and petted. Guinea pigs are not known to be aggressive or to bite, but your child will have no fun with a shy Guinea Pig.

Guinea Pigs are social animals and they enjoy the company of other Guinea Pigs. If you are planning to get a Guinea Pig, you might want to consider getting two Guinea Pigs at the same time. Male Guinea Pigs get along quite well with each other if you get them when they are both babies. Male Guinea Pigs will fight with each other if you introduce them after they are grown. Female Guinea Pigs also get along well with each other. It is not recommended that you get a male and a female, unless you want to breed Guinea Pigs.

When looking at Guinea Pig cages, you need to find one that will allow enough room for movement and play. Make sure that your cage has an exercise wheel, to keep your Guinea Pig healthy and active. Guinea Pigs like to stay hidden when they sleep, so make sure that your cage has a place where they can hide. A plastic or wooden structure inside the cage is always a good idea. You will want to add some sort of lining to the bottom of your Guinea Pig cage for easy cleanup. Cedar chips are not recommended, however pine wood chips, newspaper, ground up corn cobs or kitty litter are all fine. You also want to include a large water bottle for your Guinea Pig. If you have two Guinea Pigs consider getting two water bottles. Guinea Pigs love to drink water, so make sure that you give them plenty of fresh water EVERY day.

Some experts recommend adding vitamin C drops to their water. This works well for some Guinea Pigs. However, some Guinea Pigs do not like the taste and will not drink the water. If you do decide to add vitamin C drops to their water, make sure they are staying hydrated throughout the day. If you choose not to include vitamin C drops with their water, you can supplement their diet with fresh fruit and vegetables. Guinea Pigs love fresh vegetables and fruit of all kinds. Just make sure that you do not overfeed your Guinea Pigs and use fruits and vegetables as treats. As far as food is concerned, you will need to feed your Guinea Pigs specially formulated Guinea Pig pellets available at pet stores. Guinea Pigs also needed a daily supply of Timothy hay, available in some pet stores and most farm supply stores, to help aid their digestion.

Guinea Pigs are great pets for all types of homes. When you get a young Guinea Pig, you and your child or children will have to work with it to socialize it. All family members are sure to enjoy these adorable pets for many years to come.

Until next time,


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