Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Helpful Hermit Crab Basics

See the August 19, 2009 entry “Unusual Pets: Hermit Crabs” for an introduction to these fascinating pets.

Hermit crabs are fun pets to care for in your home. They used to be reserved as souvenirs from seaside vacations, but now you can buy them in most pet shops. They make wonderful starter pets for kids. They are a great alternative to the more traditional gerbils or hamsters and they have a much longer lifespan than goldfish. Contrary to what you might expect, it is possible to play with them and they do have little personalities of their own. Do you think hermit crabs may make a great pet for you? Here are some helpful hints to get you started.

Before you get your crab, you need to get the basic equipment and supplies in place. First, your crab will need an aquarium for its house. Forget those teeny, tiny cages you see at the shops by the beach; hermit crabs really need a ten-gallon aquarium to be comfortable. If you are getting more than one crab, obviously you will need a bigger aquarium. A pet shop will tell you the best size to get, depending on the number of crabs you will be housing. Make sure the aquarium has a snug fitting lid so your little friends do not make a run for it! Place a reptile heating-pad under the tank to keep your crabs feeling nice and tropical.

You will need something to cover the floor of the tank, as well. Three to four inches of sand works best, but you can also use crushed coral or reptile fibre bedding. If you use something other than sand, it is still a good idea to cover a portion of the floor with sand, so the crabs will have somewhere comfortable to go when they moult.

Now that you have the house and the flooring taken care of, you will need to get two shallow water dishes and a food dish. Shallow seashells can be used if you have access to them. In one water dish, you should keep fresh water and in the other, keep salt water, made with a marine aquarium salt solution. The dishes need to be shallow enough that the crabs can crawl into and out of them. A natural sea sponge is a nice addition to the fresh water dish. Your crab will love to pinch it and it will help keep the humidity levels up in the aquarium.

The last thing you will need to fancy up your hermit crab home is some decorative wood pieces so your crab can climb on them. Coral and pieces of clean coconut shell also make great additions. Your crab will love playing with them.

You will need to get some commercial hermit crab food so your crab will have something to eat. You can supplement that food with small pieces of fruit, meat, cereal or fish. Additionally, make sure your crab gets crushed eggshells or oyster shells to boost its calcium level; it is important to keep its fragile skeleton strong. Cuttlebone, which is kept in the bird area of most pet stores can also be used for this purpose.

To care for your crab, clean its water and food dishes daily and spot clean the tank when necessary. You will want to provide plenty of extra shells, in increasingly larger sizes, so your crab can change homes as it grows. Shells with wide openings are best. When your crab moults, remove the skin it has shed as soon as possible as it will begin to decay and could contaminate items within the tank.

Optional, but useful accessories to get are a tank thermometer and humidity-measuring tool. Your hermit crab will be most comfortable when you keep the temperature around 72°F - 80°F and you keep the humidity level between 70% and 80%.

With these helpful hints, you are now ready to get your hermit crab. One more fun part remains to be done…you get to pick a name for your new pet.

Until next time,


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