Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Internal Dog Parasites

The picture on the left shows a Dipylidium caninum (dog tapeworm - sometimes called a cucumber tapeworm and the picture below shows a Toxocara canis (dog roundworm).

Any dog, whether the dog appears to be clean and/or if it is from a seemingly 'well-to-do home' can get internal parasites (endoparasites).

Roundworms (Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina) are rather like pale earthworms which can grow to about 10cm in length. Both ends of the worm are pointed. Signs that your dog may have roundworms are mild vomiting, having a pot-belly, having a dull coat and either sudden weight gain or sudden weight loss. A puppy might cough or hiccup. You may also see worms wrapped around the dog's stool when it has a bowel movement.

The Life Cycle of the Toxocara canis starts with the bitch eating contaminated feces. The larvae as well as remaining in the intestine, migrate to the mammary glands and the uterus. When puppies feed off the bitch , the larvae enter their system and grow into adult worms within two weeks. The adult round worms lay eggs which hatch into larvae. The larvae burrow through the gut wall to the liver and lungs, causing respiratory problems. Some lay dormant while others are coughed up and re-swallowed. These larvae pass through the stomach into the intestine, where they grow into adult worms and lay thousands more eggs. These eggs are passed out of the dog where they lay waiting for a passerby to eat the feces enabling the cycle to start over.

The Life Cycle of the Toxascaris leonina starts with the eggs being ingested and hatching in the stomach. They do not migrate, but develop in the wall of the intestine, therefore infection to a bitch's puppies does not occur. However, these worms also lay thousands of eggs which pass out of the dog in its stool, where they wait to be eaten and continue the cycle in another dog.

It is, therefore, advisable that pregnant bitches be wormed under a veterinarian's supervision. Puppies should be routinely wormed after the age of two weeks. They should also be wormed either just before or just after going to a new home. Adult dogs should be wormed every six months. However, if you have young children in your household, it is wise to worm your dog every three months.

Tapeworms (Dipylidium caninum) are flat, segmented worms that can grow up to 50cm long. They are not normally seen as a complete worm, as these remain in the dog, but as individual segments loaded with ripe eggs. One of the signs of their presence in a dog is that the abdomen may become distorted. However, the most common sign is the presence of rice-like grains around the anus. These worms can also be seen moving in the dog's feces. They can cause diarrhoea and poor growth development in puppies. They can also get into your children if they get contaminated feces or eggs on their hands and then touch their mouth.

The Life Cycle of Dipylidium caninum starts when a dog swallows a flea, which has itself swallowed an embryonic egg. The larvae develop into adult worms in the small intestine. Specific worming remedies for this type of worm are obtained from a veterinarian (vet). Also ensure that the dog is regularly checked for fleas.

Ticks (Ixodes species) are actually ectoparasites (external parasites) but they are mentioned here because they frequently infect dogs with diseases that can also be passed on to humans. They are brownish-white in colour and can be initially mistaken for a wart, but on closer inspection the legs can be seen, while the head is buried in the epidermis. Having gorged on the dog's blood, it grows to the size of a bean or pea. You may spot ticks when you are grooming the dog or when the dog has an allergic reaction to them and begins scratching. At this time they will appear as red sores. Normally a dog will tolerate one or two ticks without showing any signs of irritation, so if you live in an area where ticks are prevalent, you should check your dog for ticks every time he comes into the house from outside.

The Life Cycle of Ixodes species starts with adult ticks laying eggs that drop on the ground. Larvae hatch and climb onto blades of grass, shrubs, etc., where they wait for a passerby to brush past, thus enabling them to attach themselves onto the hair of the dog or the clothes of the owner. Surgical spirit soaked onto the tick suffocates it, thus loosening its grip. It can then be removed with tweezers. Never attempt to pull the tick off without soaking it first, as the head will remain and cause infection. Treat the bite area with antiseptic to prevent infection. A special dip/shampoo can be obtained from the vet if infestation is severe. Ticks can also be removed by covering them with Vaseline. Vaseline coverage impedes the breathing of the tick so it backs out of the epidermis. Once it backs out of the dog’s skin, it can be picked off and destroyed. You can also use this treatment if you get a tick on you while you are walking your dog in an infested area.

For further information on ticks and your dog, do a query, within this blog, on ticks as there are several entries on these dangerous parasites. The blog search field is at the top left of the blog in the blue band next to the Blogger logo.

Until next time,


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