Friday, July 10, 2009

Unusual Pets – The Hamster

Heaps of fun and a lot more cuddly than a gold fish, Hamsters make great pets for both adults and children. During the final decade of the last century and the first few years of this century, millions of homes had at least one pet Hamster. Hamsters are still among the most popular small pets and with good reason.

Hamsters have many advantages as pets. Because they are nocturnal, Hamsters are well suited for people who work or attend school all day. Another advantage is that they have almost no odour and are generally clean and easy to look after.

There are three common species of hamsters, each of which has its individual characteristics. It is, therefore, important to choose the species that most closely matches the desires and personality of the person who will become the care giver. The most common variety is the Syrian or Golden Hamster. These are the largest Hamsters, measuring around five inches in length. They are also the gentlest species, tolerant in nature and suitable for young children. Syrian Hamsters are solitary creatures and should not be kept in groups. The Russian or dwarf Hamster, as the name suggests, is much smaller in size and more social. They can be reared in pairs or small groups. However, they are more lively and active, but less tolerant of careless handling and may, therefore, not be suitable for very young children. Chinese Hamsters are also small like the Russian Hamster, but they are more placid in nature and tend to be timid.

When selecting a Hamster it's best to pick an inquisitive, alert and active animal. Not only will they make a pet that is more fun than a lethargic or quiet one, but these features are also indicative of the animal’s general health. Clear eyes, nostrils free of discharge and a clean coat, free of droppings are also good things to look for when purchasing a Hamster. Diarrhoea and respiratory problems are relatively common among Hamsters so look for any evidence of diarrhoea or laboured breathing. Diarrhoea can be particularly harsh to Hamsters as their tiny bodies soon become dehydrated.

Another deadly Hamster disease is "Wet Tail.” This is caused by a tapeworm and is often fatal. Symptoms are scruffy appearance, loss of appetite and a distinctively wet tail! This is a highly contagious disease and bedding and other material used by an infected animal should be destroyed. To avoid this problem, it is important to keep the Hamster's cage clean. Hamsters are quite fastidious in their grooming and will often use a specific area of the cage as a toilet while allocating other areas for food storage and other activities. Clean regularly but not too often as frequent intrusion into its territory could stress your Hamster. About once or twice a week is best.

Hamsters need to be active and lack of exercise could result in paralysis. Some animals are actually known to get addicted to activities such as the Hamster wheel. It is important to ensure that your Hamster has lots of variety in the toys and activities you provide for it.

Hamsters also need a varied diet but aren't difficult to feed. Many mixes are commercially available including sunflower seeds, cereal, millet and alfalfa but they will also eat fruits such as apples, raisins and grapes plus vegetables like carrots and celery. Hamsters have sharp incisors which continue to grow. They need to gnaw on hard material to ensure these teeth wear down naturally. If they don't get enough wear, these teeth may grow too long and restrict your Hamsters ability to feed itself. It is, therefore, mandatory that you provide something in your Hamster’s cage that it can chew. Knowledgeable pet store staff should be able to recommend something that wears down the teeth but does not lead to your Hamster ingesting something that could cause it harm.

You Hamster needs bedding at least 2 inches deep so that it can burrow down into the bedding making it feel secure while sleeping. Suitable bedding can be purchased at most pet stores. Bedding usually consists of wood shavings with cedar, pine or a mixture of both, being the most popular. It is best to avoid woods that are contaminated with toxins, dust or strong oils as these may cause skin allergies or illness in more sensitive animals.

As with any creature with sharp teeth, Hamsters may on occasion nip an unwary handler. This can be unnerving, especially for young children. Usually this problem can be overcome as handler and Hamster become more accustomed to each other. Perhaps another concern could be that a Hamster's average life span is only about two to three years. All in all however, the positives seem to outweigh the negatives and Hamsters can be truly delightful pets giving many hours of joy.

Until next time,


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